Make Room!!

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S !

CMK Newsletter | December | 2022

Dear CMK Family,

The FIRST WELL IN NEPAL is OVERFLOWING!! Just a week before Christmas! What a GIFT OF JOY from God! We hope you feel God pouring His JOYand LOVE and FAITH that exudes from this photo into your hearts this Christmas!


God has provided for the FIRST WELL PROJECT IN HONDURAS to begin!

Friends, you’ve blessed the heart of the Father by the way you give! By the way you live. By the way you LOVE. By the way you simply believe Him.


Joel just returned from Honduras with a Surge director, James Purciful, a week ago and they met with pastors that are ready to plant a church and mission at every well site we do in Honduras. We didn’t even know exactly how that trip was going to be funded. Usually God will provide the funds in just enough time to buy the tickets. This time He provided unexpectedly at the end of the trip through one of his faithful servants! Isn’t it true that faith is a journey we have to take one unseen step at a time? Faith pleases God, so of course He will help us develop our faith!

If you’re facing a lot of unknowns, know that nothing is unknown to God.

Joel and I stood in this exact spot in Nepal with Pastor KB and Pastor Sushila two months ago and prayed for God to intervene on behalf of this community. We arrived on the scene where there was much devastation with nothing in our hands or in our accounts. But we kept taking steps by faith, walking by faith, simply following His Spirit.

Faith is simply this: we don’t need to know how God will come through, we just need to KNOW HE WILL.


We knew God was leading us here and with every site we visited our hearts broke further. When God breaks our hearts and empties our hands until all that’s left is faith in Him, we have learned that He’s setting us up for a miracle. He’s clearing the way for Him to get all the glory. We just open our hands and let whatever small thing we have left go wherever God wants it to go and then we watch a miracle unfold.

This is the story of Christmas…saying yes to God and knowing we can’t possibly give Him anything except our scared and often whispered “yes, Lord.” Just as Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:38). She didn’t give God a list of why she wasn’t the right one for this role. She didn’t make excuses or ask God how she would provide for a baby when she was only a poor, unmarried teenager. She simply gave God her yes. She trusted God to do what was best.

Use me, Lord. I don’t have anything to give or bring to you except my rights to myself. So come invade my life, come grow inside me even if it’s uncomfortable and different than I expected. Even if I lose everything, if I gain you I will be content.

We can give everything because Jesus is the only thing this world needs.

Mary didn’t have a plan. She wasn’t prepared. Even Joseph was helpless to provide a safe place for Jesus’ birth. But because they said “yes”, nothing could stop God from coming.


We are praying for your hearts to be filled with the incredible love of God! He’s given us his greatest treasure in Jesus! He’s given us EVERYTHING!

“For God has proved his love by giving us his greatest treasure, the gift of his Son. And since God freely offered him up as the sacrifice for us all, he certainly won’t withhold from us anything else he has to give.” (Romans 8:32)

Merry Christmas to all!


Joel and Joye

& The Incredible Seven