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Our name, Commission Mankind, is based on The Great Commission of Jesus given to His disciples in Matthew 28:18-20:

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

We were made to “go into all the world and preach the gospel”, but sometimes that world looks impossibly big and our own personal world looks incredibly small. We believe that the world is NOT impossibly big, our own world is NOT too small and neither is too hard for the gospel

However big or however small, the world still needs to hear that Jesus saves.  

We are commissioned to preach, to disciple, to share Jesus with everyone around us and go into all the world (even our own backyards) with His gospel.  

And here’s the beautiful and powerful truth: we’ve been commissioned together.  

Partnering with each other in this Great Commission is what will fulfill it.

In 2010, when we were searching for a way to be sent out on the mission field and needed connections and information and simply wanted to support missionaries, God gave us the vision for Commission Mankind. We wrote it down, we prayed over it, we asked God to make a way for it, for YEARS.

In 2019, God opened a door for us to begin a nonprofit. He then specifically led us to move our family to Kenya to help a remote village get a clean water well in 2020. We stepped out in faith, left a career position, and moved across the world. We had no social media platform, no big sending organization, no large bank account, and no plan B.

God was our only Plan.

Obeying Him was our only strategy.

In June of 2020, during the global pandemic, against all odds—God surprised us all and provided hundreds of families in the Athi River Valley region with the deepest well in that county. The complete well system at a depth of over 600 feet, two large tanks, solar panels, and top of the line pump was $35,000. God provided every penny from ordinary people moved with compassion.

God likes to surprise us.

While living in Kenya with our seven kids, we had many opportunities to see through God’s eyes and join Him in whatever was on His heart. We saw so many children collecting polluted water from roadside ditches and sluggish rivers. We knew we couldn’t leave and ignore this water crisis that had become personal. God was showing us the need because He was preparing us to move in faith to meet those needs once again.

We came back to the States, and this time we were believing God to help us fund five wells in five months. God provided seven more wells with an extension of eight in 2021.

When God is involved, there’s always OVERFLOW….

In 2022, God provided 16 wells for East Africa and led us to drill in South Sudan and Tanzania. These wells have been critical anchor points for the Gospel.

In South Sudan, the entire tribe of remote Toposa gave their lives to Christ! In Tanzania, we have seen 32 Hadzabe give their lives to Christ and 12 have been baptized. It’s been miraculous!

We were able to bring 500 solar audio bibles to these unreached tribes and they heard the gospel of the New Testament for the FIRST TIME in their own languages.

With God, anything is possible and nothing is impossible!

Since 2022, God has personally led us into Nepal, Pakistan, Paraguay, Mexico, and Honduras. We are currently drilling in Nepal and Pakistan partnering with local ministries to evangelize the lost. Plans are underway to drill soon in Honduras.

1,422 people have been baptized publicly in the baptisms we build beside each well! Salvations, miracles, and healings are happening as God touches His people. This year, we are excited for all the souls that will be saved!

Over 2,000 bibles have been given to new believers in three different countries as well as the Jesus Film being shown to unreached tribes.

We can’t wait to see what more God has in store!

Our God is so rich in Mercy and Marvelous Kindness!


Hold on, There’s more!

God gave us a vision to connect the ministries of God to help fulfill The Great Commission and that vision is a MAP.

I know it sounds simple, and it IS.

We asked ourselves years ago, “What if there was a way to connect every believer in Christ Jesus with Christian missions on every continent of the globe?”

Well, there is now one way to connect us and it is our Mapping Missions program!

Any Christian missionary or organization that adheres to the Christian statement of faith can be listed on this map with their profile for FREE! Their areas of mission work/needs/team can be searched as well!


Mission teams and churches will be able to network with missionaries already residing in the areas they are led to visit. National missionaries can now have a way to connect with the rest of the world they often feel isolated from.  Friends and family on homefronts will tangibly see the vital part they are playing in reaching the world for Christ.  Those called to missions but needing connections to veteran missionaries will now be able to make those connections. And hometowns can rally behind their missionaries sent out from local churches.  

This a map that connects YOU with MISSIONS.

This is a map that connects the BODY OF JESUS AROUND THE WORLD.

The Mapping Mission program is now live! You can sign up and peg a missionary here:

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Our VISION is to accelerate a global missions movement in this end time harvest by uniting the Body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission given to all believers in Matthew 28:19-20 through creative, collaborative, and effective partnerships in world missions.

Our VISION for the future of CMK is to create a user-friendly interactive networking community for every believer to participate and connect with world missions through a virtual map and personal contact with missionaries in every nation of the world.

Our VISION is to provide opportunities to visit, encourage, and assist missionaries through connection, evangelistic outreach partnerships, and building projects in the hardest to reach places.


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