God's Global Outpouring--Catch the Wave

March | 2023

“Catching the wave of God’s global outpouring”

Dear Friends,

Can you hear it? It’s the sound of a global awakening.

Pursue the Presence of God!  

These are exciting times--the earth is quaking with the sounds of revival and awakening.  The hungry are crying out for God and He is sending His presence in wave after wave.  We are experiencing the power of God's spirit moving mightily all across the globe--from where our feet have landed in Honduras, all the way to Nepal, to Tanzania, to Pakistan, to Kenya and here in the States.  His presence is our passion!   We can't do anything apart from the Lord.  We can only fulfill the purposes in His heart with His Presence.  The indwelling presence and the outpouring presence of the Lord is our pursuit.  

Friends, we are praying that even as you read this simple newsletter, you will experience the presence of God fanning into flame the gifts of His Spirit within you FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS

“Be glad, people of Zion, rejoice in the LORD your God, for he has given you the autumn rains because he is faithful. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before. The threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.

“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.”

Joel 2:23-24, 28


Our friend Pam Englade and her niece just arrived back home in the states after spending over a week in Nepal for Commission Mankind's FIRST community well celebration there.  Pastors KB and Sushila Basel oversaw the construction of the well site as a wonderful tool to further the gospel in a country where evangelism is illegal.  This will be a testament to God's goodness for generations to come.  Three more wells have been sponsored for Nepal out of the 13 listed villages requesting water.  We are overjoyed about the spiritual hunger and revival that is occurring there!  Pam and her niece also explored the potential for a safe house to be built in the strategic location near the border of India and Nepal. This would provide refuge for the thousands of victims of sex trafficking that are being rescued through the ministry of the local church there (11,000 rescued since 2011!).

PRAYER POINT:  That God will add to those being saved at every well site and bless the wonderful ministry of Pastors KB and Sushila. That God will provide a SAFE HOUSE for victims of sex trafficking in Nepal


God sent us on a very specific mission in Honduras.  A video was sent to Joel on his first trip to Honduras with James Pursifull of a young girl struggling to carry water, but her location was unknown at the time.  God led Joel to return to Honduras to find this village.  Justin Kelley travelled with him on this second trip and God led them to the exact village of this girl!  We discovered her name is Virginia.  We were overcome with God's love for this young girl and were able to pray for Virginia and bless her.  Virginia's community as well as one other village we felt God leading us to drill in are both very remote and the people have been drinking from a polluted ditch.  Seekers Point church will be partnering with the local church in Honduras to host a community celebration and evangelistic outreach at these well sites in late summer of this year.  If you would like to get involved, here's the link for that trip: Seekers Point Missions

PRAYER POINT:  That the well for Virginia's village will be fully funded, it's already half way there!  That many will be saved, healed, and delivered at these well sites and teams will walk in favor.  


Pakistan wasn't even on our radar this year.  But in prayer one day we mentioned God was putting the Middle East on our hearts.  A couple weeks later, Joel was asked to go to Pakistan.  We asked God to confirm if Joel was to go or not.  We needed to know His presence would go before us.  We had no money for a ticket or for a well there.  But God said go and so we said yes.  Within 10 minutes of me (Joye) telling Joel he had to go to Pakistan, he received a text message saying his ticket was paid for.  With several more confirmations, Joel and Justin Kelley from Renewed Ministries left for Pakistan.  While there, they encountered many dangerous and desperate situations.  At one point, Joel wasn't sure how he could fulfill what God sent him to do--it looked impossible.  But God turned the impossible around and what had looked like a dead end became a miracle beginning.  On top of a trash pile, in the middle of a tent camp, the first Pakistan well was completed while Joel and Justin were there!  Justin and Renewed Ministries committed to four wells and Commission Mankind committed to four.  Eight wells will be drilled as anchor points for the Gospel in this muslim nation.  We know with certainty we will be returning with teams to Pakistan to partner with local Pastor Parvis.  

PRAYER POINTS:  Pray that the Gospel will penetrate the darkness and that people will encounter Christ at the well sites.  Pray for the local Pastor Parvis and his ministry starting christian schools to reach a generation for Jesus.


East Africa continues to hold a special focus for our ministry. God is leading our family to return to Kenya to the Machakos hills. East Africa still remains one of the hardest and most expensive places to drill and the need for clean water is staggering. We are believing God for more wells for Africa! Right now we have one well funded for Kenya and one promised for Tanzania. We walk by faith and not by sight and know God has more planned than we could ask or imagine! We have missions teams coming to serve with us at the numerous well sites we have established in Kenya and we are praying for the continued outpouring of God’s Spirit in Kenya. Revival is in the land!

God’s heart for the UNREACHED continues to be our prayer focus and an important part of our vision of CMK. We can’t complete the Great Commission without going where none have heard the Gospel.

Even now, as you read this, Nickson and Ali are headed out on a 3 day journey to the southern part of Tanzania where the Safwa tribe is located. This is a least reached tribe and we will be establishing contact with them in order to drill a well a local church prayerfully committed to sponsoring there! This will be an anchor point for us to share the Gospel. Please pray Nickson and Ali will find the man of peace to connect us to this tribe and will locate a trustworthy driller. God is reaching them!

PRAYER POINTS: Our family’s safety and protection while traveling and ministering. That we will be led by the Lord’s presence. God will bring Provision for more wells and more ministry. That His Spirit will pour out and revive the land! That the Safwa tribe will hear and understand the Gospel and many will be saved, healed and delivered.

Thank you, family of Christ. For being His body and caring for His heart.

We love you and pray you will experience the wonderful presence of God everywhere you go and in all you do!

Till All Have Heard,

Joel, Joye, and the seven from heaven

Joel Dicharry